Things started off swimmingly with our commission for Stonewater at their development in Mosterton. Sourcing the wood was relatively easy, no small feat for such big wood! It can be a pain as we’re dealing with timber of around 5ft diameter.

We prepared the wood by cutting it to a large cuboid. This removed the sapwood (which is generally not durable) and helped iron out any of the fluting (buttressing) in the massive piece of Macrocarpa that we thought would fit the first lion best.

Using a large saw (you could put a wheel on it and ride it home the engine is that powerful) we started to get the overall shape of the lion. Switching to a smaller saw, the saw that does the majority of our work, we further refined the shape including the very tricky task of getting the legs in the correct position and cutting out between them. This is as far as we’ve got.

Unfortunately we’ve then had an horrendous January during which we’ve been constantly ill. When one of has felt better then the other has felt horrible. Luckily the deadline for the job is still a way off and the ground is saturated so the installation wouldn’t be for a while yet. We’re all better now, touch wood, and we’ve returned to the project. Our self imposed deadline is the last part of February, it’s easily doable and we’ve bought shares in a echinacea factory to make sure we hit it!