I work in a variety of media: photography, digital art, written word and sculpture, but the central themes of all my work are: nature and social and environmental issues.

I generally like to explore striking contrast, form and colour in my work and often it contains some form of abstraction.

I have strongly held political views and these leach their way into my art, particularly in my use of the written word. I was born, badged by a penis, onto the sprawling corpse of coal in the North of England and have struggled to assimilate all three of those things into my being ever since. Conversely proud and ashamed at every turn, this lack of a steadfast self also informs my work.

Inspiration from the natural world, and being acutely aware of the human-made catastrophes being wreaked upon it, come from my everyday life living off grid in a Yurt. Exposed to the vagaries, power and beauty of Nature on such a base level makes me feel intrinsically part of it. 

Sustainability forms a large part of my practice and is an extension of my lived experience and choices.

My current body of work involves my use of technology to “collect” colours from the natural environment. I use these palettes, along with abstracted forms from the location, to create large scale images.