It's been a fair while since I graced your eyes with my flowery idiom. I'd imagine the lack of bereft is palpable among our massed followers. You've probably not cared one jot and who can blame you because that's the exact reason I haven't spewed any nonsense, I couldn't be arsed.

Our previous incarnation of Neith Art & Sculpture had grown into something we didn't want it to be, a relentless churn of art that didn't engage us beyond the challenge of its creation and the need to feed. Never ones to settle for mediocrity, shit or bust is our motto, we decided to rip up the past and rewrite our futures, or try to anyway.

Here is the start of those efforts, it's taken a lot longer than we'd hoped. We've been hampered by poor Mental Health, poor Physical Health and an apocolyptical amount of windy pops (storms not flatulence). We've finally sloughed off our skin and stand before you all fresh and virginal (yeah right!). Our art from now on will be mainly project based and will shine a light on environmental and social injustice. It will endeavour to make a difference in its own small sweet way.

You're probably aware that Rob has started his Mental Health spoon giveaways, which I can officially reveal he's decided to call Looney Spoons (as a proud loon, he feels he's allowed) and Kim is beavering away trying to not let her ADHD send her off in too many different directions at once as she creates projects of her own.

If you'd like to be part of this wonder ride (or shit show, one can never be too sure how things will pan out) and support our new beginnings then pop over to our Patreon and pledge your first born to our cause, or a fiver a month, which ever suits. You'll get 15% discount off anything you purchase in future and access to our lives, art and souls (maybe not the souls part, that would be a tenner a month surely?). We'll go into much more detail than we do on our social media and you'll be able to take an active part in our projects and help make a difference too (warm cuddly feelings ahoy).