Ey up fair followers!

If any of your world weary eyes have been able to see through the hell that is existence at the moment then you may have noticed that we're on the move. With a short hoppity skip we will soon alight just over the border from Moist and into A Bit Moister, or Cornwall as it's known.

Our new home  will afford us a lot more time to really focus on our Art and try to make an actual difference with it. First up, glistening tentatively in this new dawn, is the Portwrinkle Project ( https://www.instagram.com/portwrinkleproject/ ). There's nothing on our Instagram yet but follow us anyway as it'll be lovely and encouraging and hot exciting content will be beamed there within the next few weeks.

Portwrinkle is a wonderfully monikered (loads of em in A Bit Moister) seaside village that will be our local beach. Rob had the genesis of an idea to visit there once a week to point his dirty lens (no amount of buffing makes it shine!) at the surroundings and document this lovely place over the course of a year.

This idea is morphing into something a bit bigger and the documentation won't just highlight the wonders of this coastal idyl but also the problems that the Nature there faces. Who knows where the project will lead (make sure you follow our instagram, or sign up to our mailing list on the Homepage of this here very site) to find out, but we've made a start and as Joey "The Lips" Fagan once said "Once you have start the rest is inevitable"!
